(Hopefully Not) The Highlight of My Day

Ok, short story: I flooded my kitchen! And I wanted to share it with the world..

Today, in attempt at being a good stay-at-home wife while the Mr is having another day with his fruit flies at the lab (yup, you heard me just right), I was doing the daily chores including the laundry. Well, we just recently moved to this apato and the rumor has it buildings close to the river are most likely to experience what they call “the insect attack” in the summer or, now, spring. I have this thing with cockroaches.. I hate them.. They are just NASTY.. The smell, whooaaahh… I would definitely never ever ever want to be one of the Fear Factor contestants. I love the show though, too bad it was canceled.

Back to the story,,,

In order to prevent that from happening in my apato I sealed every little hole on the walls and installed stocking type draining net thingy on the sink, bathroom, and laundry holes on the floor. Smart move, huh? Not for long, at least not for my laundry area.. I thought the net would be small enough to prevent cockroaches from going into my apato and big enough to allow the cloth fibers to go through straight into the sewer. Apparently not. The fibers piled up after several washes and today came my prize. Water and other things that should have not been found on my kitchen floor were all over the place. I panicked and realized I did not have a proper mop to clean the mess. I only have those small Japanese mop thingy. A disposable thick tissue on the stick. So it does not really “absorb” the water just “wipe” the floor. Thanks to that, I ran into a pile of dirty laundry, put them all on the floor to soak the water. But it wasn’t enough. I ran into the next room, opened the cupboard, and there they were.. 2 of the Mr’s cottony, thick and fluffy T-shirts. It seemed like they’re calling me, you know.. That, and I just didn’t want to use my clothes.. Nah ahh…

Please forgive me Dear, I know you just bought them. But I want you to know, they’ve served me well..

Victims of the day

Mr’s Tees and Other Victims of The Day

So, after wiping, squatting while mopping, cleaning, wiping again, standing & mopping, spraying alcohol (for hands) on the floor (I know, I know, I have lack of cleaning supply), opening and closing the door over and over again to act as fan, resting for a while but was still not happy with the results, I started it all over again. At least now I don’t have to do my workout for a week. I burnt enough calories that even several servings of Baskin-Robbins won’t do harm on my weight.

But I learned my lesson, my friend..

Sometimes when you think you have a clever idea, it’s only your hallucination..

When you have a clogged drain, make sure to fix it right away and NOT AFTER you flooded your room..

Doing all that kind of cleaning is a NO NO for your back sake, especially when you are pregnant..

Do the laundry, BEFORE your husband goes to Uni..